Maca thyroid reddit

Maca thyroid reddit

Maca thyroid reddit. 18 votes, 20 comments. Maca has a large amount of glucosinolates. Native to the high Andean plateaus, it has been Jan 5, 2024 · The same study that showed a connection between maca and reduced menopause symptoms also revealed that participants had increased bone density after consuming maca Meissner HO, Mscisz A, Reich Jul 3, 2023 · Maca is rated as possibly safe at doses up to 3 grams. It is therefore important to use an activated (heat-treated) maca for those with thyroid issues. Its black root maca (the strongest) and its organic, vegan and gelatinized. I would like to try them both, Maca for working out and vitamins, and Ashwagandha mainly for its anti-anxiety benefits. I already bought it as it's supposed to basically help with EVERYTHING Hashimoto's has taken from me - reduce anxiety and depression and increase energy and libido. I took a teaspoon of it. Ashwagandha can increase T4 a bit, but might not really be of concern unless you have thyroid issues or notice side effects. I say order a cheaper kind of non-gelatinized maca powder to see how your body deals with it and if problems arise that you don't want to deal with, go with . I think it can have a negative impact on your thyroid, making it sluggish so keep an eye on that. The Maca tastes fresh and flavorful, the Kilo bag is a great price, and I feel so much more at ease (Maca is such powerful medicine :) ) By Lizzie Thompson Later, I feel tired, exhausted, and flushed for the rest of the day with no volition to do anything. Beyond that, Maca root is extremely high in iodine. They taste like starburst and are adequately dosed. Sep 2, 2016 · Maca is a food —a root— and like other foods, when cooked, it loses certain enzymes and other heat-sensitive components. It’s possible it’s affecting your thyroid status. Kelp tablets are a good source for iodine. I read into this and noticed that there was an advisory that raw Maca can cause issues such as hair loss in people with thyroid issues. Rather than taking a specific compound that's working directly on one hormone, maca is working on modulating the brain signals. Scientists have not determined an appropriate range of doses, so you should consult And her precautions on Maca “CAUTION: Because it regulates adrenal and thyroid function (it contains goitrogens), don’t use maca if you’re on thyroid medication. Most people no longer associate maca with any health risks, and modest doses are unlikely to have any unfavourable effects. If you want recommendations for libido friend, look into pine pollen powder instead . Don’t let them tell you everything is fine because your in range. (8) 4. The dosage depends upon your age and state of health. The pituitary produces TSH based on the FT4 and FT4 levels in your blood so if that doesn't function properly you don't produce enough TSH. There's a possibility of a synergy between pomella and maca in the libido department. After reading into it more, I realized that I identify with a good amount of the symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as low energy levels, feeling tired even after sleeping enough, libido, hair loss including Dear anybody saying they feel nothing on maca, try a mega dose! When I do normal doses it has almost no affect on me. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. For example, the glucosinolates mentioned earlier are an important component of maca that help support breast health and the detoxification of estrogen. Our brain is signaling different endocrine hormones. I have read that the heating process also destroys some of the compounds that maca is really known for leaving you with maca that isn't as potent as one that hasn't been gelatinized. Maca is cruciferous vegetable and plants in this group have been known to cause goiters and other problems for people with thyroid concerns. Without maca root, all trials were in a range of 5-7mL, while the supplement trials were in a range of 6. Oct 16, 2014 · The use of maca root is growing in popularity, as some of its benefits include helping to improve sexual function and fertility, reducing glucose levels, lowering blood pressure, reducing hot flashes, and in decreasing depression. The thyroid. These vegetables contain high levels of biochemicals called glucosinolates which can interfere with production of thyroid hormones, particularly in the presence of a low-iodine diet. Benefits of Maca. Like other Adaptogens, you take it when you need an energy boost. I hope you’re recovering! When you get the thyroid tests done make sure they test TSH, FT3, FT4, reverse T3, TgAB and TPO antibodies. Good luck and let us know. Get off of it and introduce some salt to your diet, maybe some iodine and some l-tyrosine for a few days to get that thyroid stimulated again. Just wondering what people’s experience has been on Maca Root powder. Maca is safest short term (4 months) and I wouldn't take more than 3 grams a day. Possible Side Effects of Maca. Raw non-gelatinized maca can give you gut issues too. Jul 13, 2024 · Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a Peruvian plant of the brassica (mustard) family and Lepidium genus. Some people say maca can have an effect on low thyroid function, so if you have any issues in that department, be wary. im no expert and this is purely anecdotal, but years ago i began taking maca, and when i went for a physical my levels suggested hypERthyroid and had antibodies (no one in my fam has thyroid issues). I'm sorry if I misled anyone. Maca seems to lose effectiveness for me but when i cycle it, it kicks off great again. uk out of desperation after trying various alternative therapies including acupuncture. I have tried maca (not the extract) in high amounts from brands tested by consumerlab and nothing compares to this extract. Some of the products that contain maca are also on the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) banned substances list. It also increased my weight and might have messed up my thyroid functions. . All our maca is activated so does not require cooking before use. My libido is MIA and I have heard good things about Maca, taken as a supplement to boost it a bit. Doesn't seems any changes… Jul 28, 2020 · It is also advised to avoid maca if you have a thyroid condition. I was going to say the digestive symptoms are likely due to the maca because it's a known side effect of raw maca, but gelatinized shouldn't be necessary in this case because it's an extract in the capsule, so I'm not sure about that. Maca root is a cruciferous root vegetable, and in many cases, thyroid patients are advised to steer clear from significant servings of vegetables from the Brassicaceae family. Been in Peru for a bit and was trying fresh Maca root which I totally love, but have read about possible stomach problems so have gone back to buying gelatinized powder which is supposedly safest from a gut health point of view. I could really feel the effects everyone's talking about when it comes to Ashwagandha. Dec 1, 2022 · Maca Overview: Ashwagandha Overview: Primary Benefit: Maca is thought to increase libido and sexual drive: Ashwagandha may work to benefit and reduce mild anxiety: Secondary Benefit(s): Maca may increase energy levels and athletic stamina: Ashwagandha may promote the production of testerosterone: Part of the Plant Used: Root: Root: Dosage Range Interesting, because maca couple of years ago from another vendors made me basically want to have sex all day long. In fact, traditionally in Peru cooked maca is used to regulate and enhance thyroid function and may actually be highly beneficial for those suffering from thyroid related conditions. I get mine from Skyfield Tropical. Thyroid diseases, including hypothyroidism, are among the conditions known to often be co-morbid with headaches and migraines. I’m doing a deep dive into Maca root for my latest educational video. Maca apparently affects the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and thus can not only potentially affect thyroid health, but can also affect the output of adrenal Thyroid (sub clinical problems often missed diagnostically), progesterone, different estrogens, and testosterone all have a role to play. However, due to its effect on hormones, maca should not be used by people with thyroid problems. A few hours later I feel it kick in and feel really invigorated and pleasant. For women, maca may have potential as an alternative treatment for healthy ovary function, particularly as women age, but those effects are limited to animal studies for now. Goitrogenic foods may slow down your thyroid. Also, maca root powder may function like the hormone estrogen. I don't have thyroid FYI and don't take blood thinners. Thyroid problems sufferers should use caution when taking maca, but it is usually well This represents a 10. Which means your thyroid won't produce enough hormone. And then look into optimal ranges for thyroid. e. To my knowledge this dose is not unsafe, however I wouldn't I recently decided to start taking Maca powder (hypothyroidism and general reproductive health. Maca is typically used to help hormonal imbalances (same with ashwagandha) but should'n't be used if you have breast cancer. NBE - /noun/ - Natural Breast Enhancement, or Natural Breast Enlargement is a combination of methods and technique to grow the size of your breasts naturally. Maca labeled “gelatinized” (more about that later) has been cooked, which mitigates those substances. Still not sure what kick starts the episodes but your experience sounds a lot like one, and maybe the maca or the excitement of taking the maca or the sleep disruption from the first night after taking the maca caused it. [Edit: Apparently my Thyroid test I took two three days after the Ashwagandha/Mucuna and my Thyroid medication did NOT indicate an elevated Thyroid, rather the opposite as ill_pack_a_sweater indicated. There isn’t a lot of scientific research out there to support Maca and indeed I am against it for PCOS. I don't think MACA is very dangerous but I would not take it daily over years. Maybe a different source of Maca would be better. However when I have taken maca in doses of 5g+ (i. While eNOS is responsible for This is why Maca is still viable because you can take MACA once, enjoy the effects, and then stop. First was just caps from Now brand i think, and that worked fine. I don't think that is even healthy tbh. 75mL. I've seen conflicting answers online as to whether it's ok to take maca while on the pill. Anyways - has anyone tried taking Maca root? If… I recently got some Maca Root blend chews and intake 2 a day. About 2 hours later my neck felt a little stiff when I realized the sides of my throat were swollen which I now realize are thyroid glands - I should add, I had some thyroid issues when I was younger but they went away. It’s closest relative to other plants are rapeseed, mustard, turnip, cabbage, garden cress, and water cress. So I just got some Black Gelatinized Maca root from Maca Team yesterday. Jan 20, 2023 · There is also research showing that maca may provide fertility-enhancer properties (as well as support improvements to libido and sexual function). Just want to share quickly that I’ve gone through 3 cycles feeling in control and reasonable with my emotions during pms time… Yes it can mess with your thyroid. In a matter of days, it just made me tired and sluggish. ) I've purchased a bag of gelatinized Maca powder (because less carbs, calories and more bio-available) but I'm still figuring out the best way to consume it. Maca has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression. Maybe lower doses? INTRODUCTION. Red maca makes me feel like I want to die, same as with buspar, guess I have a serotonin deficiency after all I read into this and noticed that there was an advisory that raw Maca can cause issues such as hair loss in people with thyroid issues. Apparentally the power form is hard on your stomach and can cause problems, but the Gelatinized form of Maca is okay. I mixed it with my spirulina, some yogurt, and greens. The next morning, around 8am, I drank my Maca tea. On the second day I took before my workout in the evening( about 8 pm. In Peru yellow maca is commonly used to support a healthy thyroid function and is sun-dried and Most voted positive review. Maca Root sounds like a promising nootropic for increasing energy, but some of the side effects sound concerning. Maca is frequently touted as having a stimulating effect on libido and sexual performance. I've been interested in trying maca root as I'm constantly fatigued, depressed, anxious, and in a brain fog. Additionally, it has been connected to increased mood, vitality, and possibly even fertility in both men and women. I've always had crazy hormones and thyroid issues, and I'm on a birth control pill. What's going wrong here? Thanks to the compounds known as flavonoids found in Maca, anxiety, and depression will no longer represent a problem for you. Jul 14, 2021 · Gail – thank you so much for reaching out. 144 People found this comment helpful . I like the powder at 10-15 grams a day with a break after a few weeks. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, speak with a healthcare provider before taking maca. I originally purchased pomella after finding pomegranate is the only accessible substance that increases nNOS expression. I'm still interested in knowing what happened. About 1 teaspoon the 1st day and 1 teaspoon the second day. I have been taking some for three days in my smoothie in the morning. I think I had my levels taken for something thyroid related when diagnosing my depression, but they came back normal. co. All our maca is thyroid safe. Yea in addition to the thyroid stuff it can really mess with your digestion. I don’t want to hype this up too much and I’ve only tried it twice but definitely a fan. ? interesting. Ashwaganda is in the nightshade family, so anyone with nightshade sensitivities (due to the poison solanine) should avoid it. Do you still take any maca root product? Mar 12, 2022 · Thyroid issues: Raw maca contains iodine and other goitrogens, which can irritate the thyroid. 1st Time maca Root Power: heavy side effects Hi guys, 2 days ago I took for the 1st time maca Root Powder. There is some scientific evidence to support this claim. But for thyroid disease it's best to see a doctor and get a blood test. Interesting point about pubmed! I have never noticed that before but it's been a while since I did any maca research! That could definitely be a reason. This is supposed to be the best source of Maca you can get according to a lot of people. See full list on restartmed. After reading into it more, I realized that I identify with a good amount of the symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as low energy levels, feeling tired even after sleeping enough, libido, hair loss including Sep 7, 2020 · How Maca Can Help With Specific Thyroid Disorders. It’s been about 2 weeks and while I haven’t noticed any real size increase, I’ve noticed that my flaccid hangs a lot lower and thicker, my balls hang lower and my EQ has topped out. I had to stop a powerful extract equivalent to 10g of combined black yellow and purple maca because my ankles were swollen and all the days I took it I was very tired. Ashwagandha tea may help to increase concentration by sharpening your brain function, lowering stress hormones and improving your ability to focus. Dec 22, 2023 · The most well-known benefit of maca root is its potential to increase libido. I have been taking this stuff for about a week now at about 5000 mgs a day in 3 divided doses. Enhanced Energy and Endurance. Literally my top 4 worst symptoms! Has anybody here tried it and noticed any difference? I heard it's not even good for your thyroid so I'm only taking it every other day lol. Maca, as with a lot of supps, is effective when you use it consistently. Roots of Maca (Lepidium peruvianum) described by Chacon and Obregon are widely used as a dietary supplement in Peru and processed Maca preparations, namely Maca Root and/or Gelatinized Maca in powder, tablet or capsule form, are exported for international distribution by numerous trading and nutriceutic companies under generic name “Maca” and/or under various commercial trade I took about a tbs and a half because the dose said about 1-2tbs. What I have read is that raw maca has properties (glucosinolates) that inhibit normal thyroid function, but by going through a cooking process called gelatinization, these properties are destroyed and it should not be harmful to take it. It is pre-cooked and as such there is little to no risk of negative impact to thyroid function. Tiroxina Libre (T4L) 1,36 ng/dl Hormona Estimulante Tiroides 3,43 mcUI/ml I've tried dosing ashwaghandha in the morning for awhile (250mgs-300mgs) and found the lowering of cortisol level makes me feel quite tired and out of it. Personally I can take a lot of maca and it doesn’t really affect me, but some people can be pretty sensitive to it so just start smaller and work you way up. I don’t know how you’re even confused about the smell and foam. The thyroid lab ranges are way too broad I added Pomella the same time I added maca (ordered both together). Maca is an adaptogenic herb cultivated in the central Peruvian Andes at 12-14,000 feet under harsh natural growing and weather conditions. Researchers reported that after 12 weeks energy scores improved the most in those taking red maca and that both red and black maca were well tolerated and showed no serious adverse effects. I'm not 100% sure on the differences between the different color roots of maca but I will say I've tried now foods maca and the black root stuff seems 5 X more potent. i stopped taking it for other reasons anyways, but had yearly Aug 27, 2024 · The maca plant, called Lepidium meyenii or “Peruvian ginseng,” is a cruciferous vegetable related to broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale. com Jul 3, 2018 · Maca, a cruciferous root vegetable, has the power to balance your endocrine glands and functions, including your thyroid, making it a powerful supplement for those with hypothyroidism. It works on brain signaling. Regardless of a lot of people claiming no results, you gotta keep in mind that the studies that found some benefit was in people that remitted depressive symptoms after SSRI/SNRI treatment, and Maca was found useful in this sample with relatively high doses around 3g a day. I am not a trusting person, I do not believe in anecdotal stories (large group may have some value), ghosts, gods, or random people on the internet. I didnt like Now's maca extract 7:1 powder. Haven't seen anything about maca interacting with thyroid at all. Apart from this, I take an antidepressant SSRI, NRI, benzo, and ashwagandha daily with no issues. Now, the cool thing, one month before taking the tests, I added Ashwagandha to my stack, and I was expecting to see a further thyroid disturbance; but, for the first time in a very long time, my thyroid levels are completely in range. Regular maca powder has to be extensively processed to become gelatinized maca. My research has shown that it negatively affects the thyroid, increases testosterone AND estrogen. e 5+ 1000mg maca tablets) I have an incredibly large boost of energy and well put bluntly, need for sexual activity. (Nutrition 21). Ever left milk in room temperature for days? And what in the trendy crap is gelatinised maca? Starch is removed to make it more digestible? People don’t have a digestion system anymore? How about eating normal maca and combining it with probiotics or something instead. As in all herbs that regulate hormone, allow the body time to adjust and take only when needed. I used to take it daily for my thyroid and general hormone health but it did nothing for me for depression or anxiety. When I first began taking them I felt really really awesome and calm. Then, I transferred the water and tea bags to a small jar and let it steep overnight. I've surprisingly seen very little on Reddit or anywhere really about the effects/benefits of Maca Root (besides herb selling websites). Maca 1g a day and from Ashwagandha too sometimes I take 2 g. It’s always worth trying to holistically heal a problem before going a pharmaceutical or surgical route. 39f here with partial hypopituitarism. Name of the product was 'genesis'. Maca is often mistakenly associated with negatively impacting thyroid function as it belongs to the cruciferous vegetable family. I was at my wits end with lack of sleep with hot flushes and night sweats- I purchased maca capsules from superfood. Maca energy coffee side effects. That’s half of the daily dosage they recommend of 2 teaspoons. I have read everything, that if you have hypothyroidism and you take maca it helps you because it's rich in iodine, but also that the glucosolinates of this inhibit thyroid activity, so I need real experiences. [vii] Using Maca for thyroid issues Oh geez that’s a long time to be on antibiotics. If you have thyroid issues, you should consult a Registered Dietician before using maca. Clinical trials found that it may also improve sexual desire. Adaptogens are an extremely rare class of herbs that modulate the body’s response by supporting systems within the body to deal with stress, anxiety, and fatigue. Has anybody had any side effects from the Gelatinized Maca? I experimented by grinding 4 grams of Black Maca with coffee grinder and placing the mixture in tea bags. You can develop a goiter or abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland when you consume too many glucosinolates. Maybe cycle the Maca like say, a few days on, a few days off. May 22, 2023 · Maca contains goitrogens, which are substances that could interfere with the production of thyroid hormones. Traditional MDs are less likely to be familiar with it. I’ve tried their black Maca extract liquid. Someone here with hypothyroidism and pssd has tried maca and has not harmed the hypothyroidism? This represents a 10. /r/NBE is a supportive environment for those seeking information about natural breast enhancement. This is a very common problem They offer a variety of ashwagandha supplements, including capsules, powders, and liquid extracts. Maca grows naturally and is cultivated above 4,000 m (13,000 ft) in the Peruvian Andes. Maca powder is mixed with water, exposed to high-pressure conditions, and then dried and pulverized. I brewed the "Maca tea" with 150ml of water over low heat for an hour. At that time I was using maca from a blended product from legion athletics. For example, an older study from 2002 found that men who took Maca contains goitrogens, also look it up theres tons of article and reports out there that maca does fuck with the thyroid. <3 I am so happy to hear you were able to reduce your antibodies going gluten free! Reactive foods trigger an inflammatory response in the GI tract, leading to malabsorption of nutrients (gluten sensitivity, in particular, has been implicated in causing a Selenium deficiency, a well-known risk factor for Hashimoto's), and can also produce intestinal Maca Mucuna Pruriens? Any tips? Thanks in advance. Jul 12, 2024 · Which brings us to the question at hand: is maca root safe for your thyroid? Maca Root and Thyroid Health. Maca may impact energy levels thanks to its effects on stress, hormonal imbalances, and metabolism. With secondary hypo it's not the thyroid that's the issue but the pituitary gland. I’ve been treating my PCOS naturally, and found it actually stemmed from thyroid and cortisol issues. The jittery feeling and hot flushes could be maca (I've seen one person for whom that was the case), but it's way more likely the ginseng. Don't sleep on this one either. soy, legumes, wheat, rice, etc. Does anybody have experience and would like to share about it? Hi brothers, I have started using Maca Powder around 1 month recommended by a youtube video regarding phychological ED. Maca I've tried numerous forms. Maca has been found to have beneficial effects in reducing the symptoms of depression and anxiety, especially in menopausal women in the past. Sep 7, 2020 · For those who suffer uncomfortable symptoms like hormonal shifts, or those who deal with thyroid issues, Maca can really help out. ) 1 teaspoon of Maca powder 3grams of Citrulliine powder 3gram of Arginine powder 1 coffee Therefore, maca should always be cooked – a dogma to which all our products adhere. What happens if I take Maca every day? Improves energy and enhances athletic performance. There's also probably a lot crap maca out there, because it's so popular. Maca- less than ½ tsp Peruvian yellow maca root powder. So that’s why I’d love your experiences with it. My advice is to try other adaptogens before MACA and see how that helps with energy levels. I've seen a lot of posts here about it. At first a felt completely fine. Let’s go over how Maca can help with specific thyroid disorders and exactly what it can do for them. The control and HFD groups were also treated with 1 ml of drinking water as a vehicle for each rat via intragastric gavage to equalize the gavage stress among the groups. Hypothyroidism: This is a condition where your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of certain hormones that are needed for bodily functions and processes. Examine has no note on that. I LOVE Maca Team Macathis was my first purchase with the Maca Team and I have no need to try any other Maca-producer. Jun 27, 2023 · There is no gelatin in gelatinized maca; rather; the starch in gelatinized maca powder has undergone a chemical transformation referred to as gelatinization. Reply reply Maca balances our hormones by working on something called the HPTA, the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. Mar 15, 2024 · Another study measured the effects of taking 3 grams of red or black maca or placebo daily in people living at low and high altitudes. What is Maca Root: Lepidium meyenii, more commonly known as maca, is a cruciferous vegetable related to broccoli native to the Andes mountains in Peru. I take hydrocortisone, estrogen and progesterone as well as DHEA daily. THYROID FUNCTION: While some iodine is necessary for thyroid function, too much can worsen the symptoms of thyroid disease. You might be bipolar II and having your first hypomanic episode if this seems totally unfamiliar to you. Pros being I can stack it not being contradictory about what I stack with, so keeping that in mind I have it suitable for any occasion of either promoting energy or anything for that matter, having an idea of what other Noots or supplements I’m taking are actually doing, this is important for me because I could change for what is needed without worrying if it’s shilajit. Glucosinolates are easily damaged by heat. In a habitat of intense cold, intense sunlight Maca is considered a goitrogen. Mar 8, 2024 · The Maca tastes fresh and flavorful, the Kilo bag is a great price. A few comments about Now Foods Maca from Amazon and iHerb: 1 - For menopausal women, Maca supports healthy estrogen level and is effective in alleviating symptoms like hot flashes, anxiety and moodiness. 25-7. 4% increase in load size. [38] Additional studies have shown maca to have antioxidant and neuroprotective Typically a good starting amount is going to be about 5g or a tsp. Aug 31, 2021 · The maca roots powder compositions consisted of a synergistic compound of black and red maca in a ratio of about 4:1 to about 1:4. The hormones you refer to are androgens like testosterone and estrogens , That is why maca is useful for women with PMS syndrom I'm referring to thyroid hormones like T4 It's not that when you take maca your thyroid will slow down immediately Probably will never happen if you take normal doses I've read some sites saying maca can affect thyroid since it's a goitrogen, it seems popular with those who have hypothyroid . After stoping I'm back to normal. This is interesting, I have been looking to see if maca root stimulates estrogen production or has phytoestrogens like many plants do i. ipyar tpwfynkr vpnl jbxdhi iblgr qcqtg lbbrdy kzp oqptb lpdx